Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 1 & 2 of the Joy Dare

Day 1 - Gifts at 11:30am, 2:30pm and 6:30pm

I was excited to see what gifts I could uncover this day. Just before 11:30 Kelly and I were discussing how each of us would keep track of our gifts. I realized it was a gift to have her to share this journey with each day.

Finding a gift in some easy conversation with a friend whom I had been feeling distant from, which helped some depths thaw.

And on my drive home from work, a solution was found for a difficult situation.

Day 2 - Overhearing gifts

When you are looking for and waiting for certain kinds of gifts, it may be harder to see them. Today's gifts were hard. Most of what I overhear during the day is work-stuff and most of it is either neutral or negative. What I do overhear is people trying to help other people and offer an experience that is professional and knowledgeable. No automated menus to go in circles through - but people who generally like what they do. It is a gift to work with people like that.

I also found out today that JD was asked by Compassion Intl. in Colorado to write an article for them as they have gotten wind of how awesome a sponsor and advocate she is. She was so excited it. Seeing her obedience and dedication bringing blessings makes me so proud to be her friend.

While I haven't "overheard" a third gift yet (the day's not quite over) I discovered that when you are on a search for a certain type of gift that is harder to find, you stumble across many more that don't fit the category but are worth acknowledging all the same. I have good hearing that allows me to listen for blessings. I have wonderful friends to spend my working days with and technology at my fingertips to help the customers I speak with, just to name a few.

seeking jewels of joy...

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