Friday, March 18, 2011

They Are Coming

This weekend my best friend and my sister will be here to spend a whole week with me. I am SOO EXCITED!! Actually, right now I'm a bit tired and have a bunch of errands and cleaning to do to get ready, but it's all worth it.

A whole week with my two most favorite people in the world. Counting down the minutes....

Just so this post isn't completely pointless, I was blessed yesterday at work but not having to be in the office but getting to go out in the field and shadow. On a sunny, 60 degree day it couldn't have been any better. We did a little staking, turned some water on and replaced a frozen meter in a house that had a fire. That house was crazy, so much ruined and left. For a while we could still smell the burned scent on our clothes.

Working in a very affluent area, driving around seeing all these huge, ornate houses does sadden me though. Especially when I think about people in other countries, and the orphaned kids, and those without clean water. We waste so much on outward appearances. It can be hard to accept both realities - live here and be thankful for the blessing while my heart is there and to help in the ways I can.

More to come on this soon...

1 comment:

JD said...

25 more hours!!!

I bouncing up and down like Tigger on an adrenaline rush :D Be prepared to be pounced upon!

I find it heavy on the heart to see so much excess here, so much unnecessary excess, when our wealth and blessings could be better distributed so that instead of poverty and affluence, we'd simply all have "enough"... always enough.

Looking forward to making that difference with you, bestie!