Saturday, December 12, 2009

I've Been Hit

It's finally found me! Christmas spirit.

Saturday was a bright warm sunny day. By warm, I mean all of 30 degrees, but compared to the last few days we've had it felt like a heat wave. After getting things staightened up around the apartment, I put together a list of to-do's and hit the road.

Then it hit me. First stop. Outside the shopping center the Salvation Army band was playing. Cute firefighters were bell ringing. Great way to start things off. The stores weren't ridiculous. I found the gifts I was looking for and I didn't wait in a single line. Merry Christmas to me.

In the car, I was listening to Christmas music (duh) but not just any music. Growing up, my dad had a reel to reel player. It was the christmas music I grew up with. Most of it isn't stuff you hear anymore. One of my favorites is Little Toy Trains. My dad would always sing it to my sister and I. He would change the words to say, "little girl don't you think it's time you were in bed." This music is the soundtrack to my favorite Christmas memories. A couple years ago, I finally got my dad to give me the reel the music was on and I had it converted to CD. The quality is horrible, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It sounds just like I remember it. And you can tell that we didn't listen to the songs at the end as much as the beginning because the quality gets better 2/3 through.

And I got almost all my shopping done. But I ran out of steam. I just have a few things left to get. Two people I haven't gotten inspired for yet. It will come.... cause I got Christmas spirit!

1 comment:

JD said...

Sounds like the Christmas spirit is on an upward swing! Mine has been gradual this year, slow and steady... It's amazing that there were no lineups in the stores on a Saturday afternoon -- wow!